Fort George

Updated 27th March 2024.

Fort George

Formerly called La Vigie, Fort George is situated in the North-western hills of Trinidad, overlooking the Gulf of Paria. The fort forms part of a complex of military fortifications which were built in 1804 under the direction of the then British Governer, Brigadier-General Sir Thomas Hislop, to protect Port of Spain from any perceived military threats. Although the site ceased to be a military establishment in 1846, it is still the best destination for one of the most spectacular views of Port of Spain and the sea. In addition to the beautiful vista at this well preserved historical site, one can see the original cannons, dungeons, and artefacts of the day, as well as a signal station which was established in 1802 and designed by Prince Kofi Nti, son of King Kofi Calclai of Ashanti, West Africa.