Grants & Sponsorship
CCAF – Cultural and Creative Arts Fund (CCAF) Individual and Organization

The Culture and Creative Arts Fund will provide funding for projects and initiatives undertaken by arts and cultural organizations and non-governmental organizations, community groups, faith-based organizations, artists and cultural workers, which contribute to festival development and the promotion of local art forms, the development of competencies in the arts, the professional development of artists, heritage development and the development of cultural industries.
National Days and Festivals Fund (NDFF)
National Days and Festivals grants is the commemoration of national days and festivals, inclusive of the observance of religious holidays and is considered a critical aspect of cultural expression that contributes to a unique national identity, a sense of patriotism and a commitment to national development. These National Days are:
- Indian Arrival Day
- Emancipation Day
- Independence Day
- Republic Day
- Major religious commemorations including Phagwa, Shouter Baptist Liberation Day, Corpus Christi, Easter, Eid-ul-Fitr, Divali, Ramleela, Hosay and Christmas Day.


Sponsorship applications cater to the following:
- Festivals and events which showcase destination Trinidad and Tobago, our local culture, cuisine, craft sport and entertainment.
- Journalistic and marketing endeavours that promote destination Trinidad and Tobago such as Press Trips and Familiarisation Tours;
- Cultural, Tourism and Business Trade Shows.
Notwithstanding the areas outlined in the three categories above, consideration will be given to projects/events that seek to develop culture, arts and tourism. Sponsorship engagements require applpicants to propose the terms of engagements and sponsorship packages.
Incentives (Legislative)

The Tourism Development Act, Chapter 87:22 (TDA) was introduced to support the development of tourism in Trinidad and Tobago. The Act provides for benefits to be granted to the owners/operators of various types of tourism projects, once these projects have the potential to contribute substantially to the growth and expansion of the industry.
The benefits that are being offered are as follows:
- Tax Benefits
- Customs and Excise Duty Exemptions
- Other Tax Benefits
Incentives (Non-Legislative)
Outside of the TDA, there are two (2) non-legislated incentives available to tourism operators, namely the Tourism Accommodation Upgrade Programme (TAUP) and the Government Loan Guarantee (GLG) Programme.
Tourism Accommodation Upgrade Programme (TAUP)
Government Loan Guarantee (GLG) Programme.