Perched in Petit Trou, Toco in the North West corner of Trinidad and sandwiched between the Caribbean and Atlantic Sea one can behold the Galera Lighthouse. This lighthouse is a great place for families and ‘limers’ alike, as it has facilities such as a visitors’centre, secure parking, plush landscapes and recreational picnic comforts . The lighthouse is a cultural and historical landmark, at which many tourists indulge in both taking photos of the lighthouse and walking the trail behind the structure, where you can find a blow hole. This blow hole is created when the Atlantic and Caribbean waters slams into the rock beneath causing air to elevate through a hole in the rock, causing a hollow pitched sound and a few sprays. One attraction to this site is its proximity to Tobago, where on a clear day one can view the beautiful sister isle with immaculate clarity and ease.
Galera Toco Lighthouse