The Ministry of Tourism, Culture the Arts recently pioneered Trinidad and Tobago’s first ever World Steelpan Festival. Celebrated under the theme “From Roots to Recognition: Steelpan’s Journey to Global Acclaim”, World Steelpan Festival 2024 offered a diverse array of events designed to showcase the National Musical Instrument, locally, regionally and internationally.
Congratulations to Pan Trinbago, Tourism Trinidad Limited, Art Society of Trinidad and Tobago, Ministry of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs, National Academy for the Performing Arts and all Stakeholders on a successful World Steelpan Festival 2024.
On July 3rd and 4th, 2024, The National Musical Instrument Bill, 2024 was debated in Trinidad and Tobago’s Parliament to declare the Steelpan as the country’s National Musical Instrument. Senator the Honourable Randall Mitchell, Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts piloted the Bill in the House of Representatives and the Senate, respectively. The Bill entitled “An Act to provide for the designation of the Steelpan as the National Musical Instrument of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and for related matters” gained unanimous support from all Members of Parliament present.
Following the passing of The National Musical Instrument Bill, 2024 in the Lower House of Representatives and the Senate, it will now be submitted for Presidential Assent. Hereafter, it will become an Act, thus giving the legislation the status of Law.
In April of 2023 the Artist Registry of Trinidad & Tobago (ARTT), in collaboration with Naparima Bowl, was confirmed as an awardee under the Creative Caribbean: An Ecosystem of ‘P.L.A.Y’ for Growth and Development Grant Scheme. This grant is being used to support the upgrade of the database and website associated with the Artist Registry.
As such, the ARTT is conducting a survey to gain valuable feedback from users of the database and website to inform our new design. We want to hear from you! If you or someone you know has used our database or visited our website at, your opinion matters to us.
Please see the link for the survey here:
The survey closes on Friday October 27th.
We thank the Creative Caribbean project, which is being implemented by UNESCO, the CARICOM Secretariat and The University of the West Indies (UWI) with funding from the European Union and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States, under the ACP-EU 11th EDF Culture Programme.
The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts proudly welcomes our new Permanent Secretary (Ag.), Mr. Videsh Maharaj, who assumed duty on Friday 6th October, 2023. PS (Ag.) Maharaj joined the Ministry of Tourism, Culture & the Arts from the Ministry of Education, where he served as the Deputy Permanent Secretary.
PS (Ag.) Videsh Maharaj is equipped with extensive knowledge and experience in economics, investments, policy development, implementation and analysis. After graduating from the University of the West Indies with both a Bachelor and Master of Science in Economics, PS (Ag.) Maharaj went on to have a stellar career in the Ministry of Trade and Industry with increased areas of responsibility over 15 years.
PS (Ag.) Maharaj has also been a member of several Cabinet Appointed Committees including the Committee to Review Tourism Incentives. We look forward to PS (Ag.) Maharaj’s leadership and insight as we work towards achieving our goals for Vision 2030!
The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts is conducting a series of surveys on training programmes hosted under the Culture Division, to determine their effectiveness in supporting the development of persons in the Culture Sector as we work towards a resilient creative community.
This is a Tracer Study that features three training programmes that were launched in 2012; Cultural and Technical Camps, Mentoring by the Masters and Music Schools in the Community. If you or anyone you know participated in these programmes from 2012 to 2019, we invite you to complete the relevant survey below. We also encourage parents / guardians to complete the survey for minors.
Cultural Camps was designed as meaningful vacation activities that expose children to the Arts, Heritage and Culture, while Technical Camps was developed to target emerging cultural entrepreneurs, to enhance their technical skills and increase their earning capacity in the Culture Sector. Complete the Cultural and Technical Camps survey here.
Mentoring by the Masters is a mentorship workshop series that aims to honour our cultural icons as they pass on their knowledge and expertise to upcoming professionals. Its other spin-off pilot programmes include Professional Development Workshops and Cultural Legends Series. Complete the Mentoring by the Masters survey here.
Music Schools in the Community seeks to create a cadre of musicians for the future, increase music literacy and support community-based organisations in capacity building for self-sustainability. Complete the Music Schools in the Community survey here.
The surveys close on 24th November 2023 at 12:00pm.
On 30th June 2023, Trinidad and Tobago submitted its Quadrennial Periodic Report (QPR) for the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. Our country was among twelve Parties to the 2005 Convention that submitted QPRs in 2023.
From June 2022 to June 2023, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts (MTCA) received technical assistance from UNESCO, as offered to Small Island Developing States (SIDS), towards elaborating Trinidad and Tobago’s QPR in a participatory manner for the 2005 Convention.
Throughout the technical assistance project the key activities that took place were:
- A Capacity Building Workshop for Trinidad and Tobago’s National Team facilitated by Dr. Deborah Hickling Gordon (UWI, Mona Campus) and Dr. Suzanne Burke (UWI, St. Augustine Campus) from 24th to 27th April 2023;
- A Multi-Stakeholder Consultation for public officials and civil society stakeholders on 28th April 2023 at the Southern Academy for the Performing Arts (SAPA);
- Followed by National Training Workshops for civil society stakeholders on the 2005 Convention and how organisations can contribute to the reporting process through completion of the CSO form, facilitated by Dr. Suzanne Burke, and National Coordinator, Ms. Daniella Carrington, on 25th May 2023.
Following these activities, a public call for submissions from civil society organisations (CSOs) was issued that invited them to complete the CSO form for consideration of their projects and programmes that support the goals of the 2005 Convention. Of those that responded to the call, three CSOs were selected to be included in Trinidad and Tobago’s QPR. They are the National Drama Association of Trinidad and Tobago with their Playwrights Workshop Trinbago, the Secondary Schools’ Drama Association with their Secondary Schools Drama Festival, and Pan Trinbago Inc. T.C. with their Social Prosperity Fund, Taste of Carnival and Pop Up Shop.
In the months of May and June 2023, Trinidad and Tobago’s National Team worked on drafting our country’s QPR with the continued support of Dr. Deborah Hickling Gordon, UNESCO’s Diversity of Cultural Expressions Entity and the UNESCO Office for the Caribbean, which included mentoring and technical assistance in navigating UNESCO’s online reporting platform.
Early in July 2023, the MTCA received notice from UNESCO that Trinidad and Tobago’s QPR was validated and would be featured the 2005 Convention’s website, with the individual measures outlined in the report available on the 2005 Convention’s Policy Monitoring Platform.
We at the MTCA are grateful for being a part of UNESCO’s technical assistance project for the 2005 Convention and seek to continue engaging the range of stakeholders involved in the Arts and Culture Sector of Trinidad and Tobago to keep a participatory process in policy development and monitoring.
Be sure to check out Trinidad and Tobago’s Quadrennial Periodic Report here.